Metadesign Solutions

Best Flutter App Development Company in India & USA

#5+ Years Of Experience Flutter App Development Services

This is a very large support sector to the care provider, to the payor and to the other macro verticals in the vast HLS continuum. Within these large industries we selectively focus on micro-verticals and niche spaces. These sectors are under pressure to improve effectiveness, gain efficiencies via online solutions, incorporate more digital technology into their business processes and to reduce their costs of administration and business management.

Allied Healthcare spaces that we focus on primarily consist of smaller micro sector-spaces, such as in CME (Continuous Medical-Sciences Education), Aged care, Child counselling and Child development, Diagnostics, Medical devices (ex. smart devices), Scientific Research & Development, Medicine management, Emergency response services, e-Clinics, and remote patient engagement (digital) and monitoring.

Afore-mentioned micro-verticals continue to see significant adoption of digital tools and platforms, a journey many started nearly a decade ago and now some have begun to incorporate AI. These industries have also seen the rapid emergence of new entrants offering solutions: which are the technology led companies offering specialized software led products, hybrid (product plus services) native digital businesses, and next generation devices firms, some of whom are also our customers.

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Track Record
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Digital Projects
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Challenges and possiblities In the Healthcare Industry

Healthcare IT and Preventative Care

Inefficient systems and poor inventory management have plagued the healthcare industry since its very inception. IT solutions tailored for Healthcare can reduce these losses by a drastic amount.

Streamlining Processes and eliminating Inefficiencies

Inefficient systems and poor inventory management have plagued the healthcare industry since its very inception. IT solutions tailored for Healthcare can reduce these losses by a drastic amount.

Healthcare IT and Preventative Care

Inefficient systems and poor inventory management have plagued the healthcare industry since its very inception. IT solutions tailored for Healthcare can reduce these losses by a drastic amount.

Positive Developments in Care

Inefficient systems and poor inventory management have plagued the healthcare industry since its very inception. IT solutions tailored for Healthcare can reduce these losses by a drastic amount.


Why choose MDS as your Flutter App Development Company ?


Flexible Engagement Models

Hire Dedicated Staff either full time or part time based on project needs. No long term commitment required.

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Connected devices and Data transfer exchange

Device and Mobile connectivity using the Internet -Cloud for remote patient monitoring on a real-time continuous basis

mobile application

Mobile applications

We build mobile applications connected to web backends to enable data that is captured, is available immediately, is measured, tracked and monitored.



What our clients say:

Looking for web application Development Services

These are merely a few of the innovations in business processes and technology solutions which have seen the light of day and adoption by our customers or offered by us to the marketplace.   Join us at the forefront of innovation. Let us be your catalyst for success!

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