Metadesign Solutions

Delivering a seamless and intelligent insurance comparison platform through advanced technology integration


MetaDesign Solutions successfully developed a cutting-edge digital platform, GetDone, for a leading real estate tech company. The platform automates work order management, streamlines communication between property managers and residents, and optimizes technician workflows using AI. Built with a robust technology stack, including Node.js, MongoDB, AWS, and React Native, the solution enhances productivity, reduces operational costs, and improves user satisfaction.

about the client

The client, anonymized as “a leading real estate tech company,” is an innovative enterprise focused on transforming the real estate sector through multiple technology initiatives. The real estate industry, valued at approximately $280 trillion, has long been plagued by outdated technologies and limited accessibility. The client’s mission is to break down these barriers by launching diversified tech initiatives, each designed to address specific challenges within the real estate domain. These initiatives, driven by mobile-first, API-centric, and AI-enhanced approaches, aim to provide modern solutions to a sector that has been traditionally resistant to change.

The founder of this enterprise is a seasoned real estate developer and tech entrepreneur with a proven track record of leveraging technology to solve real-world problems. His vision for the company is rooted in empowering small business owners, property managers, and vendors by providing them with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of the real estate industry more efficiently. Through these initiatives, the client is not just keeping pace with technological advancements but is actively shaping the future of real estate technology.

Industry Domain

Professional Services and Education

Service Category (Service-line)

Mobile App Development / Hybrid App Development / Digital Product Development / Web Application Development

Technologies Used

React Native 







Streamlining Insurance Comparison Processes with Machine Learning Integration: Integrating machine learning algorithms to accurately match insurance policies with user requirements

Enhancing User Experience Through a Unified Mobile-First Platform: Developing an intuitive and seamless user interface that works uniformly across mobile and web platforms while ensuring ease of use was a key challenge.

Scaling Backend Infrastructure to Support Multiple Insurance Carriers and High User Traffic: The need for a robust backend to handle multiple insurance carriers and a high volume of user interactions required careful consideration of infrastructure scalability.

Ensuring Data Security and Compliance in a Highly Regulated Industry: Meeting stringent data security standards and regulatory compliance requirements was critical, given the sensitive nature of the information handled by the platform.

Solution Scope and Services

The project involved developing a comprehensive digital platform that allows users to compare insurance products from various carriers and select the best option based on their specific needs. MetaDesign Solutions was tasked with building a scalable backend using Node.js, MongoDB, and AWS, which could support the platform’s growing user base and the addition of new insurance carriers. The solution also included a mobile app developed using React Native, ensuring a consistent experience across both iOS and Android devices.

One of the primary challenges addressed was the integration of AI-driven capabilities to enhance the platform’s intelligence in recommending suitable insurance policies. This involved not only developing the machine learning models but also ensuring they could process large volumes of data in real-time to deliver accurate recommendations. Additionally, the project required robust security measures to protect user data and ensure compliance with industry regulations, which MetaDesign Solutions successfully implemented.


Creating Engaging UI/UX for Application

Maintaining a unified codebase for both mobile and web applications was essential for ensuring consistency across platforms. MetaDesign Solutions achieved this by utilizing React Native and React, which allowed for the sharing of components between the iOS, Android, and web versions of the application. This approach not only streamlined development but also reduced maintenance efforts and ensured that updates could be rolled out simultaneously across all platforms, providing a consistent user experience.


Unifying Codebase for Mobile and Web Apps

One of the significant challenges was maintaining a unified codebase across iOS, Android, and web platforms. By leveraging React Native and React, we were able to develop a single codebase that runs efficiently on all platforms. This approach not only reduced development time and costs but also ensured consistent performance and user experience across devices. The challenge was to manage platform-specific nuances without compromising the overall functionality, which we successfully achieved through modular coding practices and rigorous testing.


web and apps

Using AI for Platform Intelligence

Incorporating AI into the platform’s core functionality was instrumental in enhancing the user experience by providing personalized insurance recommendations. The challenge was to build a machine learning model that could accurately analyze user data and match it with the most suitable insurance policies. MetaDesign Solutions addressed this by implementing advanced AI algorithms that could learn from user interactions and continuously improve the accuracy of recommendations. This intelligent system not only simplified the decision-making process for users but also increased their trust in the platform’s capabilities.

Artificial Intelligence


The development of this digital insurance comparison platform marked a significant milestone for the client in their mission to revolutionize the real estate sector. MetaDesign Solutions played a crucial role in bringing this vision to life by delivering a scalable, secure, and intelligent solution that met the client’s requirements. The platform’s successful launch has not only enhanced the client’s service offerings but has also positioned them as a leader in leveraging technology to address industry challenges.

The positive impact of the developed solution is evident in the streamlined insurance comparison process, improved user experience, and the platform’s ability to handle high traffic while maintaining security and compliance. By integrating advanced technologies such as AI and machine learning, MetaDesign Solutions has enabled the client to offer a cutting-edge product that meets the evolving needs of their users, setting a new standard in the industry.

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