Metadesign Solutions

Edelweiss Financial Services Limited is an investment and financial services

Edelweiss wanted a complete solution for their users where they can plan, research, look at different stock markets, market movements, market maps, market trends and make investments.



Edelweiss Financial Services Limited​ ​is an investment and financial services company based in Mumbai, India. ​Edelweiss is in the business of selling mutual funds, offering insurances and other financial tools to its customers. Edelweiss was founded by Mr Rashesh Shah in 1995 and has its headquarters in Mumbai.




Website Development

Time Duration

Data Analytics and Insights

Technologies Used

  • Angular
  • Node.js
  • AWS


Technology Challenges Faced

  • Provide the user with the latest information about what was happening around the world in different stock markets so they can make an informed decision..
  • Give their new customers the information on how to make guided investments and tools to consolidate portfolios .
  • The website should look modern and follow the best practices of development, be fast loading, interactive and seo friendly.
  • The website should be rich with charts, call to action buttons and very user friendly for users to stay engaged.
  • Website should support all modern browsers on Desktop and Mobile Devices


Solution Strategy Overview

The solution to all their problems was given by the technical team at MetaDesign Solutions. The team with their plentiful experience and technical know how came up with the solution to build a website using the latest versions of Angular and NodeJS technology for all interactive components and financial tools.

Advantages of using Angular and NodeJS

Angular Advantages:

  • Data binding capability to HTML giving users a rich and responsive experience.

  • The capability to create Single Page Application in a very clean and maintainable way.

  • Ability to do server side rendering wherever required to be SEO friendly

  • With Angular, the developers can achieve more functionality with short code.

  • Angular applications can run on all major browsers and smartphones, including Android and iOS based phones/tablets.

NodeJS Advantages:

  • High Performance: NodeJS is known for its high performance that always benefits the users.

  • Caching: Caching helps applications achieve better response time and load the web pages faster.

  • Highly Customizable: Another advantage that influenced the technical team’s decision wasn the amount of customization NodeJS offers over its competitors.

The solution is deployed on AWS cloud, the decision to use AWS cloud was for three main reasons among others:

  • Accessibility: AWS is available 24×7 all year round. Seriously, it’s never inaccessible.

  • Security: It is a well known fact that the security AWS offers is unsurpassed and best in business.

  • Flexibility: AWS offers plans where you can auto scale your resources depending on your needs.

Apart from all that the website design is responsive and can adapt to all the sizes such as mobile, tablets, laptops etc…


The Transformative Impact

The time a user spends on the website has increased and Edelweiss employees are able to interact more with the customers and track engagement. More leads are generated thanks to the way the landing pages were done.

This was a good step for Edelweiss digital journey and upgrade their website which has allowed them to capture more leads and interact more with their customers.

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