Metadesign Solutions

Build and improve digital products at a rapid pace over traditional software engineering and infrastructure management processes

Industry ready, tailored and proven DevOps tools and frameworks deployed on the Cloud, using our highly skilled engineers and developers.


“Adopt agile and dynamic software development principles based on continuous, parallel and faster development and implementation into operations”

DevOps is a methodology in the software development and management model. It is a set of practices and technology tools, it integrates and automates the two functions of software development and infrastructure operations making them mutually efficient, engaged and effective, thereby reducing the overall time for the ‘systems development to deployment into production’ process path.

With the growing adoption of DevOps Development Services in digital product development, we have invested in skill development in technologies such as GitLab, GitHub, Jenkins, Kubernetes, AWS, Google, Microsoft and others to enable our customers to succeed in their digital transformation efforts.

Key Technologies

Some of the popular technologies used for mobile and wearable app development include,

GCP DevOps

MetaDesign Solutions provides GCP DevOps services, enabling seamless cloud infrastructure management and automation on Google Cloud Platform. Their offerings include CI/CD pipeline setup, infrastructure as code, and automated deployment, ensuring efficient and scalable cloud operations.

AWS DevOps

MetaDesign Solutions offers AWS DevOps solutions to streamline cloud operations on Amazon Web Services. Their services include CI/CD implementation, infrastructure automation, and monitoring, enhancing agility and reliability in cloud environments.

K8 Implementation (Kubernetes)

MetaDesign Solutions specializes in Kubernetes implementation, providing container orchestration for scalable application deployment and management. Their services include cluster setup, configuration, and optimization, ensuring robust and efficient containerized environments.

AWS Terraform/Ansible

MetaDesign Solutions delivers AWS Terraform and Ansible services for infrastructure automation and management. Their expertise includes writing Terraform scripts and Ansible playbooks to automate provisioning, configuration, and deployment, ensuring consistent and repeatable cloud infrastructure.

GitHub, GitLab

MetaDesign Solutions provides services for GitHub and GitLab, optimizing version control and collaboration for development teams. Their offerings include repository management, CI/CD pipeline setup, and integration with other tools, enhancing development workflows and productivity.


MetaDesign Solutions offers Jenkins services, specializing in continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) automation. Their expertise includes Jenkins setup, configuration, and plugin management, enabling efficient and reliable software delivery pipelines.

Microsoft Azure DevOps

MetaDesign Solutions delivers Microsoft Azure DevOps services, enhancing development and operational efficiencies on the Azure cloud platform. Their services include Azure DevOps pipeline setup, infrastructure as code, and automated testing, ensuring streamlined and scalable cloud solutions.

We build software applications using DevOps principles for software integration needs and technology operations of our customers.

A wide range of applications development for Enterprise or Digital native businesses functions gain from DevOps models for automation and integration of different threads of work and the operating of parallel processes. We work with both open source tools (ex. GitLab) as well as those which are not (ex.GitHub), while keeping a strong handle on the need for speed, reliability and resilience.

Why Choose MetaDesign Solutions For DevOps Services?

Our developers are bred in the culture of Agile and DevOps development of open source based software solutions for new businesses, digital natives and small, medium or large enterprises, showcasing top-notch proficiency in our CI/CD led engineering skills. Customers choose us for our strong technical practices and knowledge of the tools such as Git, Azure, AWS, Google and other such offerings, our prior experience and our contributions to the DevOps community forums.


Our track record to consult and build Kubernetes containers to automate allocation of resources and the scaling of services has been highly appreciated by our customers. We bring together architecture and design experience, technical depth in development and comprehensive testing capabilities thereby enabling a reliable product deployment.


We help customers in the selection of the right technology tools suitable to the design, build and integration steps of the engineering processes. We also offer excellent skills in integration and testing, in performance engineering, as well as meeting security requirements for the modern day extended enterprise applications, built with DevOps tools and frameworks.

Through user research and iterative design approaches, we create effective and engaging interfaces that enable users to solve real problems. This combination of cutting-edge technology and user-centric design is what sets our mobile and wearable app development capability apart.

We offer solutions that enable seamless connectivity and data exchange between the wearable and the Cloud services. We also offer strong capabilities in integration, reporting, and tracking as well as cloud-based backend platforms for frontend mobile applications.

We Follow DevOps Models For a Wide Range of Industries

Banking & Financial services

Implemented DevOps for a Financial Services major firm

Allied Healthcare & Medical Devices

Deployed AWS infrastructure to build and integrate code


What our clients say:

Hire DevOps Experts to Streamline Your Software Engineering Workflow

Empower Your Team with Seamless Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Reliable Infrastructure Support.

Join us at the forefront of innovation. Let us be your catalyst for success!

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