Metadesign Solutions

Java Technology is alive, vibrant and is just as Pertinent as ever

Java Technology is alive, vibrant and is just as Pertinent as ever
  • May 30, 2018
  • Amit Gupta
  • 8 minutes read

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Java Technology is alive, vibrant and is just as Pertinent as ever


Java Technology is alive

Java is Here to Stay.

Keeping in tune with the rise of Mobile Application Development and IoT Development, there is a growing demand for Java Application Development Services. Java’s extensive libraries continue to prove themselves to be a boon for Enterprise Development, with Java’s continuous evolution enabling large companies to evolve their backbone without completely overhauling their existing structure. It also helps that Java is extremely proficient when it comes to dealing with extreme scalability and performance requirements.

There may come a time when Java Development becomes a specialized need, but as it stands, Java’s future is quite secure, and getting your application developed on Java can unlock its true potential.

Why MetaDesign Solutions (MDS) is the right fit for your Java Development

Being a Frontrunner as a Java Development Company in India, MDS has over a decade of expertise in Java Development with a global footprint. You can Hire Java Developer from MetaDesign Solutions to maximize your Business’ growth in a cost effective and convenient manner.


Let’s face it: Java has been here for quite a while and for a good chunk of its life so far, it’s been efficacious in just about every field of development. Although it started life as ‘Oak’ and was designed to interface with internet-enabled devices, it was renamed Java and soon gained widespread popularity as a multi-purpose language. Over the past decade, however, Java’s “Crown” has been under assault, with PHP and Ruby on Rails taking the lion’s share of Web Development these days, and Python eating away at the scripting development market. Despite these massive inroads, Java continues to command a sizeable share in Software and virtually every other form of Development. In fact, trends show an upswing in Java Development in 2017 continuing on to 2018. Is this a flash in the pan or is there something substantial behind this recent rise?

Where is Java being used right now?

In a word? Everywhere. Java forms the backbone of over 80% of today’s Fortune 500 companies Enterprise Development and there are absolutely no plans to change the status quo. Now, Companies do not operate in a vacuum and even if one is developing in other languages, to
interface with Enterprises, they need some form of Java Development. While languages like Kotlin that operate within the JVM and share many similarities to Java, Developing on Java itself is the path of least resistance more often than not.  

Moving on from Enterprise Development, Java is a proven tool for communicating with machines and has been battle tested with virtually every Hardware available, from Smart Watches to Rocket Ships.

Java has been at the forefront of AI development for a while now, with its powerful libraries finding extensive usage in comprehensive AI programming. Java has proven itself particularly adept at creating algorithms, which AI’s are chock full of.

Where do Java’s problems stem from?

Rumors of Java’s demise have been around since the turn of the Millenium, and there’s no smoke without fire.

There are legitimate criticisms to be aimed at the Language itself; While Java was known for its low memory usage at one point, A lot of Developers have now started calling it a resource hog. Java also requires a lot of unnecessary coding to get simple tasks done, an issue that’s only exacerbated by the increasing prominence of newer, lighter technologies like Python. However, a major cause for concern are Java Developers themselves. Java has proven that it can be used to create efficient and powerful code, but a lot of existing Java code is lengthy just
for the sake of being long. There are many reasons for this; Developers aiming to please out-of-the-loop Project Managers who feel that Big Code = Good Code, as well as gratuitous re-use of existing code by inexperienced developers without fully understanding it to save time or to mask their own lack of experience.

This has led to a lot of companies, including Fortune500 companies’ enterprise development to be supported by a backbone of inefficient code.


Where does Java go from here?

Like every technology, there are pros and cons of developing in Java, and just for the simple fact that it’s been around for so long, the Pro’s and Con’s list for Java is longer than most.

However, due to some positive recent decisions made by the Eclipse Foundation, it seems that the Java platform has got a new lease on life. Oracle’s Java 9 release has brought much-needed modularization to Java, allowing its code to be faster and less resource heavy. These modules can also power connected devices, greatly boosting Java’s role in IoT.

The Internet of Things (IoT) incredible rise in the last few years has many positive implications for Java Development. As of today, Java is one of the few technologies that are capable of stitching up the many different parts of an IoT experience. Both Oracle and the Eclipse Foundation are suggesting that the Java platform will have a great deal to offer with regards to IoT development and are developing tools accordingly. Many of IoT’s current challenges are similar to what Sun Microsystems addressed over a decade ago when Java was just hitting mainstream software development. To put it simply, Java was developed to interface with devices having a low amount of memory with some form of network capability. If that sounds like the fundamentals of the Internet of Things, then you’re right, because IoT’s vision depends significantly on smart devices with little computing power that can be connected with other such devices over a network.

Despite an ongoing lawsuit with Oracle, Google continues to stick with Java for development of and on its Android platform. Yes, Kotlin is coming up big time, but it too relies on JVM, giving most developers reason to believe that Java will continue to have a part to play in Android Development. Provided Google does not make major changes to Android’s architecture, Java is destined to remain a major driving force behind Mobile Application Development Services.


Java is Here to Stay.

Keeping in tune with the rise of Mobile Application Development and IoT Development, there is a growing demand for Java Application Development Services. Java’s extensive libraries continue to prove themselves to be a boon for Enterprise Development, with Java’s continuous evolution enabling large companies to evolve their backbone without completely overhauling their existing structure. It also helps that Java is extremely proficient when it comes to dealing with extreme scalability and performance requirements.

There may come a time when Java Development becomes a specialized need, but as it stands, Java’s future is quite secure, and getting your application developed on Java can unlock its true potential.

Why MetaDesign Solutions (MDS) is the right fit for your Java Development

Being a Frontrunner as a Java Development Company in India, MDS has over a decade of expertise in Java Development with a global footprint. You can Hire Java Developer from MetaDesign Solutions to maximize your Business’ growth in a cost effective and convenient manner.

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