Metadesign Solutions

Revolutionizing video content management in healthcare with AI: an end-to-end solution for efficient organization, enhanced accessibility, and scalable technology integration


MetaDesign Solutions successfully developed a comprehensive AI-powered content summarization and cataloging platform for a leading healthcare learning services firm. The solution efficiently manages terabytes of video data, generating summaries, captions, trailers, and chapter breakdowns. It also includes a web-based digital product that offers secure, multilingual access to curated content, significantly enhancing user experience and operational efficiency.

about the client

The Client, a prominent player in the healthcare learning services sector, is dedicated to curating, producing, and delivering high-quality educational content for healthcare professionals. Their operations span across multiple facets of the healthcare education landscape, including the organization of large-scale events that generate vast amounts of video content. These events feature lectures and discussions that are invaluable resources for professionals in the field. Over the years, the Client has accumulated terabytes of video content, which serves as a critical component of their educational offerings.

In addition to event coverage, the Client also produces and curates a wide range of learning materials, making them accessible to their audience through various digital platforms. These platforms are designed to be technologically advanced, enabling seamless interaction and engagement for users. The Client’s commitment to leveraging technology is evident in their approach to content delivery, where they employ state-of-the-art digital products to enhance the learning experience for healthcare professionals globally. Their need for an efficient, scalable solution to manage and organize their extensive video archive led to the collaboration with MetaDesign Solutions.

Industry Domain

Allied Healthcare and Medical Devices

Service Category (Service-line)

AI Engineering / LLM / Digital Product Development

Technologies Used

Google Gemini






Efficient Management and Organization of Large Video Archives: Handling terabytes of video content required a robust solution that could effectively catalog and organize this vast data set.

Enhanced Accessibility and User Experience: Ensuring that users could easily navigate, search, and consume content required intuitive design and functionality.

Multilingual Support and Accessibility: The platform needed to cater to a global audience, necessitating the inclusion of transcription and translation services.

Scalability and Technological Integration: Integrating the solution with existing systems while ensuring it could scale with growing content volumes was crucial.

Automation and Error Handling: Automating the content processing pipeline without compromising accuracy was a significant challenge, especially given the need for reliable error handling and self-correction mechanisms.

Solution Scope and Services

The project scope encompassed the development of an AI-driven tool designed to manage, organize, and enhance video content. MetaDesign Solutions employed cutting-edge technologies, including Google AI Gemini Models, OpenAI’s GPT LLM Model, and AssemblyAI, to create a tool that could analyze video content and generate a wide array of metadata. This metadata included summaries, captions, trailers, chapter divisions, and tags, all of which were crucial for making the content more accessible and easier to navigate.


Additionally, a web-based digital product was developed to allow users to access this enriched content. The platform was designed with a user-friendly interface, providing secure login options and advanced search functionalities that utilized the generated metadata. The platform’s responsive design ensured seamless access across devices, enhancing the overall user experience. MetaDesign Solutions’ comprehensive approach addressed the Client’s challenges, offering a scalable, efficient, and user-centric solution.


Optimizing the Use of LLM Models

MetaDesign Solutions strategically employed a combination of Google Gemini LLM Models and OpenAI’s GPT models to optimize the cost of video cataloging. By deploying less expensive models for tasks that did not require high computational power and reserving the more advanced models for complex tasks, the solution maintained high efficiency without incurring unnecessary expenses. This approach ensured that the Client could manage their vast video content without compromising on quality or performance.

LLM Models

Building a Chain for Automation

The integration of Angular web components within the Flutter-based application posed unique challenges, particularly in maintaining smooth performance transitions and functional parity. MetaDesign Solutions tackled these by implementing advanced coding practices and optimization techniques, ensuring that the mobile application could host web components effectively without hindering the user experience.

Chain for Automation

Web Digital Product

The development of the web-based digital product was a critical component of the solution. This product provided users with an intuitive platform to search, access, and interact with the Client’s extensive video content. Challenges such as ensuring a responsive design, secure user authentication, and efficient search functionalities were addressed effectively. The result was a robust platform that enhanced user engagement and accessibility, providing a seamless experience across various devices and ensuring that healthcare professionals could easily find and utilize the content they needed.

Web Digital Product


The collaboration between MetaDesign Solutions and the Client resulted in a transformative solution that significantly improved the management and accessibility of vast amounts of video content. The AI-powered tool streamlined the organization and summarization of video data, while the web-based platform provided users with an intuitive and secure way to access this content. The solution not only addressed the Client’s immediate challenges but also positioned them for future growth, with scalable technology and automation that can adapt to increasing volumes of content. The successful implementation of this project has enhanced the Client’s ability to deliver high-quality educational content to healthcare professionals worldwide, solidifying their position as a leader in the industry.

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